Jan 20, 2014

Drought declared in California

Calindrinia spectabilis.  A blooming succulent.
Last Friday Governor Brown officially declared California in a drought.  As a result of this declaration, Gov. Brown has requested a voluntary reduction of water use by 20%.  Please consider reducing your irrigation usage by at least 20%. This can be accomplished easily by eliminating 1 day of watering on your system or reducing the total water usage from 100% to 80%.  The system will automatically reduce runtime by 20% in this setting.

For information on what is causing our drought, this is an informative article http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_24904396?source=blurb.  

For information on Irritrol Timers: 
Kwik Dial http://www.irritrol.com/controllers_kwikdial.aspx,  Rain Dial http://www.irritrol.com/controllers_raindial.aspx
For information on Hunter Timers: 
X Core http://www.hunterindustries.com/irrigation-product/controllers/x-core
PCC http://www.hunterindustries.com/irrigation-product/controllers/pcc
For information on DIG hose bib timers: http://www.digcorp.com/homeowner-irrigation-products/9001d-digital-3-4-fht-hose-end-timer


  1. very informative content with great work,keep going.!!

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  2. Nice and useful article,keep posting.!!

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  3. Grateful for you writing this blog.


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